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Dr. Emerald jade

Spiritual therapist | psychic medium |

Master reiki healer | Author

Who Is Dr. Emerald Jade?

Dr. Emerald Jade is a highly skilled and experienced spiritual therapist, psychic medium, Reiki master, and intuitive counselor with a remarkable track record of over 12 years. She possesses a profound understanding of metaphysics and utilizes her unique abilities of clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience to provide channeled insight and predictions from the Archangels and the spiritual realm.

In addition to her exceptional spiritual work, Dr. Jade is a dedicated mental health advocate and philanthropist, committed to promoting holistic approaches to mental wellbeing and raising awareness about crucial mental health issues. Her passion for mental health extends beyond her professional endeavors, as she actively supports various initiatives aimed at improving the lives of individuals facing psychological challenges.

Dr. Jade's expertise is fortified by her extensive training and educational background, including a Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysics. This academic foundation empowers her to assist individuals in overcoming deeply ingrained childhood traumas, fear-based psychological conditioning, and other obstacles hindering personal growth and fulfillment.

To enhance the transformative experience for her clients, Dr. Jade combines her profound spiritual insights with her love for travel. By hosting workshops and retreats in stunning and immersive locations worldwide, she creates a harmonious fusion of healing and exploration, allowing participants to embark on a journey of self-discovery amidst the beauty of their surroundings.

With unwavering dedication, Dr. Jade serves as a compassionate guide, supporting her clients in aligning with their highest path and manifesting their desires across all aspects of their lives. Her empowering approach facilitates personal growth and transformation, empowering individuals to create the life they truly desire.

Experience the profound wisdom and healing energy of Dr. Emerald Jade, a leading expert in spiritual therapy, as she shares her gifts with you. Contact her today to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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Welcome to my sanctuary of enlightenment, where spirituality, healing, and personal growth intersect. I extend a warm invitation to embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery and transformation. As a dedicated spiritual therapist, psychic medium, author, and Reiki healer, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. Find solace, healing, and clarity through transformative therapy sessions, where we delve into the core of your being. Connect with departed loved ones and gain profound insights by exploring the pages of my carefully crafted books. Experience the transformative power of Reiki as it restores balance and holistic well-being. Join captivating workshops and explore valuable resources on my blog, filled with insightful articles and practical tips. Together, let's navigate the depths of spirituality, unlock your innate wisdom, and embrace the authentic essence of who you truly are. It is an honor to be your trusted guide on this profound journey of awakening.

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Services Offered

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Sound healing couple therapy

Spiritual Therapy

Transformative spiritual therapy for couples and individuals. Discover healing, growth, and self-discovery on your unique journey.


Psychic Insight and Mediumship

Connect with departed loved ones and receive profound insights through psychic mediumship. Find solace and closure.

Ritual Candles

Spiritual Rituals and


Experience the power of rituals and Reiki sessions for holistic well-being, balance, and energetic healing. Embrace transformation.

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What Clients Say

Phone Number

(904) 601-7838

Mailing Address

Brooklyn, NY

Email Address
